Christiana Plum

Christiana Plum's Fundraiser

Read Our Story & Please Donate! image

Read Our Story & Please Donate!

Make a difference and donate to Family Promise to help us reach our goal!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$75 towards $500

Many people may not know our story but we were once homeless shortly after I became a new mom. A divorce forced me to move from my martial home after giving birth to my son a few months prior. I never thought I would be homeless; I don't know that anyone ever does. But life can change in an instant. I had decided after the separation of my marriage that I wanted to spend the first year of my child's life at home. I did not realize that being unemployed would mean that I would not be able to find a new home. It did not matter how much money was in my bank account or who I had as references or that I was an upstanding member of the community for years.

I was fortunate to have a dear friend take me and my son in for several months while our dog and belongings were elsewhere. I know what being without a home felt like. I remember how hopeless I felt, scared and alone. My dearest friend would tell you we were never homeless as we had her family to stay with. I am eternally grateful to this family for they were the light in my darkest hour. I haven’t shared our story of homelessness with many people as I felt ashamed and I tend to keep our personal life private. I was ashamed that as a parent I couldn’t even provide the most fundamental necessity, a home for my son. Gratefully this event has made me see the wonder and strength in our story. Please, you're never more than a moment away from a life changing event. Will you help support this amazing organization with us!

I have committed to raising donations for Family Promise North Shore Promise by creating this fundraiser page. You can help too!

Here are all the ways you can help:

  1. Donate to my individual fundraiser and help my team raise money for families experiencing homelessness.
  2. Join my team by filling out this form and registering to sleep outside on August 3rd!
  3. Start your own fundraiser as part of my team or your own - follow this link!

With Love and Thanks,

Iana & Zach